OneDrive For ZOHO CRM

OneDrive For ZOHO CRM

Key Features of “Onedrive Extension for Zoho CRM”

  • Seamless Integration with OneDrive: Enable users to connect their OneDrive accounts with Zoho CRM seamlessly, allowing easy access to their files within the CRM interface.
  • Upload to OneDrive: Facilitate easy file uploads to OneDrive from the Zoho CRM interface, ensuring a seamless and intuitive process for users.
  • Delete Single and Multiple Files: Allow users to delete individual files or multiple files at once directly from within Zoho CRM. This feature provides users with control over their file management and helps keep their data organized.
  • Display File Size: Show the file size for each file listed within the OneDrive integration in Zoho CRM. This information helps users assess the storage requirements and prioritize their file management tasks.
  • User-Friendly UI: Design an intuitive and user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to navigate the OneDrive integration within Zoho CRM. The UI should facilitate seamless file management and interaction.

How to install “Onedrive Extension for Zoho CRM”

To install the OneDrive for the Zoho CRM extension.

  • Go to Setup > Marketplace > All.
  • All the installed extensions are listed. under All Extensions, you can view all the extensions supported by your CRM.
  • Click All Extensions, browse for, and click "OneDrive for Zoho CRM."
  • Details about the extensions will be available.
  • Click "Buy Now."
  • You can purchase the extension directly by choosing "Buy Now."

  • Agree to the Terms of Service and click Install.

Choose one of the following, then click Confirm:

  • Install for admins only - The extension will only be installed in CRM for Users with the administrator profile.
  • Install for all users - The extension will be installed in CRM for all users.
  • Choose Profiles - The extension will be installed in CRM for manually chosen users. Choose this option, click Confirm, and then select the desired profiles.

The extension will be installed automatically for specific users.

There are two options to purchase the extension, you can purchase “Monthly” or “Annually” based on your needs.

After completing the payment process, authorization of the connector is required once.

Click on the “Authorize” link to grant permission for the connector to access necessary features.

Following the above steps, the extension will be successfully installed and ready for use.

Uplaod File: Step-by-Step Guide for Accounts, Contacts, Leads and Deals.

  • New Related Lists have been created for the Accounts, Contacts, Leads, and Deals.
  • When Going to that Related Lists Location, the User can see a oneDrive Box on the screen.
  • After clicking on the button a popup will open from where the user can select the file and upload it.
  • Users can delete files in two ways one by one or multiple.

Customer Support



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