Bulk Import for Zoho CRM

Bulk Import for Zoho CRM

Key Features of “Bulk Import for Zoho CRM”

  1. Efficient Data Migration: Bulk Import for Zoho CRM enables users to seamlessly migrate large volumes of data from external sources into their Zoho CRM account.This includes quotes, invoices, purchase orders and sales orders.
  2. Data Formats Support: Only CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file will support.
  3. Custom Field Mapping: Users can map fields from their import file to corresponding fields within Zoho CRM. This ensures that data is accurately transferred and mapped to the appropriate fields within the CRM system, maintaining data integrity and consistency.
  4. Error Handling: Bulk Import for Zoho CRM often includes validation checks to ensure data accuracy during the import process. It can detect errors such as duplicate entries, missing required fields, or formatting issues and provides error logs.
  5. Progress Tracking of Import data: The feature typically provides real-time progress tracking during the import process, allowing users to monitor the status of their data migration like added record, updated records, skipped record.
  6. Trigger Function: This feature allows triggering related functions during import if you choose to enable trigger functionality.
  7. Download Records: This feature will allow users to download added records, updated records, and skipped records after a successful import. On clicking the "added," "updated," or "skipped" buttons, users can download records into .csv files exclusively.

How to install “Bulk Import for Zoho CRM”

To install the Ticket To lead For Zoho Desk .

  • Go to Setup > Marketplace > All.
  • All the installed extensions are listed. under All Extensions, you can view all the extensions supported by your CRM.
  • Click All Extensions, browse for, and click " Bulk Import for Zoho CRM. "
  • Details about the extensions will be available.
  • Click "Buy Now."
  • You can purchase the extension directly by choosing "Buy Now."
  • Agree to the Terms of Service and click Install.

Choose one of the following, then Click Confirm:

  • Install for admins only - The extension will only be installed in CRM for Users with the administrator profile.
  • Install for all users - The extension will be installed in CRM for all users.
  • Choose Profiles - The extension will be installed in CRM for manually chosen users. Choose this option, click Confirm, and then select the desired profiles.

The extension will be installed automatically for specific users.

There are two options to purchase the extension, you can purchase "Monthly" or "Annually" based on your needs.

Following the above steps, the extension will be successfully installed and ready for use.

Uplaod File: Step-by-Step Guide for Quotes, Invoice, Purchase Orders and Sales Orders.

  • A new Utility Menu button has been created for Quotes, Invoices, Purchase Orders, and Sales Orders within the List View
  • Upon navigating to the List View's Utility Menu Location, users will find an "Import" button displayed on the screen.
  • Upon clicking the button, a popup will open allowing users to browse and upload the file.

CSV Sample Format:

1: Lookup Fields will be map by there ID


  • 3284691000054478098: Contact ID
  • 3284691000054478098: Account ID

2. Check data type format of the fields before import the .csv file like: date, number, text etc.

3. Product details will be mapped according to this format:



  1. “3284691000053118422”: Product ID
  2. “50.50”: List Price
  3. “10”: Quantity

4. Users also have the option to drag and drop their files.

5. Only .csv files are supported for import.

6. After uploading the file, a success message will display indicating that the file has been uploaded successfully, along with the file name.

Click Here to Download the Sample CSV File For Import

7. You can import up to 1000 records at a time using .csv files.

8. Clicking the cancel button will automatically close the popup.

9. Upon clicking “Next,” you can choose a layout. After selecting a ayout, records will be added or updated based on that layout.

10: Choosing “Add as new records” will add records to the specific layout in the Zoho CRM module.

11. Choosing “Update existing records only” will update records.Selecting unique fields for updating records is mandatory; otherwise, the “Next” button will be disabled.

12. Choosing “Both” will update and add records. Selecting unique fields for updating records is mandatory; otherwise, the “Next” button will be disabled.

13: Clicking “Previous” will navigate to the previous page.

Fields Mapping:

  • "Fields in File": Map .csv file fields.
  • "Fields in Zoho CRM": Map Zoho CRM Fields.
  • Mandatory fields required for importing records.

Trigger automation:

  • Choose triggers configured for automations and processes for new and updated records.
  • Upon clicking "Import," records will be added, updated, or skipped.

  • Records will be added or updated in Zoho CRM.
  • Upon clicking "Added," "Updated," or "Skipped," records will be downloaded in .csv files.

Customer Support

Email: support@dsvcorp.com.au

Website: www.fristinetech.com

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